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Rabu, 08 Januari 2014

Amazon Delivers Cars

From Greg
The internet is abuzz with the photo below showing an Amazon deliver of a BIG box. Everyone thought it was a marketing stunt. Nope. Amazon now delivers cars. Yes cars.

From Truck Yeah Jalopnik
Read full story HERE

AdAge confirmed that the giant Amazon box Reddit was abuzz with speculation over was indeed real, and contained a 2014 Nissan Note.

The Hino 268 Flatbed spotted idling in front of a Madison, Wisconsin gay bar was delivering the car as part of a co-brand promotion that allowed customers to order it through

Nissan's PR team filmed the unorthodox delivery of this Note and two others to their new owners with the intention of putting together a video for social media. Since the "spy photo" racked up about 1.5 million hits in a day on its own, maybe now they won't bother.

Nissan removed the cardboard from where they left the cars, which is too bad because it would have made one hell of a fort. Or the shortest-lasting carport ever. Instead, they left behind $1,000 Amazon gift cards. I guess the recipients could use that to buy a real carport, so it's all good.

From Ad Age
Read full story HERE

The mystery of the insanely huge Amazon package that showed up on the streets of Madison, Wisc. -- and then on Reddit and Twitter -- has been solved.

Those Redditors who speculated that the box contained a Nissan car are correct.

"A Nissan" was actually a pretty safe guess given that last September, an article in Automotive News (an Ad Age sibling also published by Crain Communications) reported about a promotion in which three Nissan Versa Note buyers were slated to "receive their cars packaged in giant boxes, with video crews on hand to film the deliveries." I reached Erich Marx, Nissan North America's director of interactive and social media marketing, by phone and he told me the backstory.

Dumenco: So, Erich, what was in the damn box?

Marx: [laughs] A Nissan Versa Note, which is all-new for 2014. We did co-promotion with Amazon last fall, where we offered our customers and Amazon customers the opportunity to order a Nissan Versa Note through the Amazon website -- the first time anything like that's been done.

Dumenco: Right, I read about that in Auto News. So is this the first of multiple deliveries?

Marx: We talked about doing three this way. At this time we've done one of the three. We filmed it and we're actually editing the video that was shot this past weekend in Wisconsin. We're putting it together for what was supposed to debut as a social-media video next week, but we got beat to the punch with a spy photo, so we're talking to you today. That's just what can happen when you're delivering a box of that size -- it's not going to go unnoticed.

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