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Jumat, 24 Januari 2014

Emotions Analytics App

Moodies - The World's First Emotions Analytics App For iOS

App Analyzes Over 400 Emotions, Tells Users How People Are Feeling

Beyond Verbal, the Emotions Analytics world leader, has unveiled its first mobile application, named Moodies, to bring the patented technology to consumers on the go. The app extracts, decodes, and measures a full spectrum of human emotions from their raw voice in real time as they speak. With the click of a button and about 20 second of speech, Moodies provides users the option to analyze their own voice as well as understand the emotions of individuals around them.

The app's technology is based on Beyond Verbal's 18 years of research by physicists and neuropsychologists, who studied more than 70,000 test subjects in more than 30 languages. Bundled into cloud-based API software, the company's emotions detection engines allow devices and applications to understand an individuals' emotional dimension including mood, attitude, and decision-making characteristics as they speak.

The Beyond Verbal team believes Moodies will open consumers to explore the technology's potential in self evaluations, relationships, human resources, pitch feedback, language barriers and more. The app provides a running screen of results and allows users to share the resulted mood analysis through email or via social media platforms such as Facebook and Twitter.

"Over the past six months we have envisioned a world where our Emotions Analytics software is embedded into any voice-enabled device or platform. As we continue to reach additional markets and grow as a company, we believe this vision is coming to life," says Yuval Mor, CEO, Beyond Verbal. "Moodies offers everyone a chance to analyze their own emotions by simply clicking a button on their smart phone device. We envision Moodies as a front-runner to a new breed of emotionally-aware apps and invite third-party developers to join in, license the technology for their own solutions and use our API and SDK to access our engine. As the industry continues to evolve, we believe it's only a matter of time until we start seeing this sort of technology being integrated into a myriad of consumer and B2B product and service applications."

The company launched in May, 2013 and has closed $3.8 million round of funding led by prominent angel investors Kenges Rakishev, and Sami Sagol. Beyond Verbal licenses its technology, which holds four U.S. patents and allows third-party developers access through its API. The app is available on iOS and can be downloaded here.

Launched in May 2013, Beyond Verbal is the developer and owner of a patented technology that extracts an individual's full set of emotions and character traits, using their raw voice in real-time, as they speak. Beyond Verbal's software was founded based on 18 years of research by physicists and neuropsychologists, who studied more than 70,000 test subjects in more than 30 languages. The ability to extract, decode, and measure human moods, attitudes and decision-making characteristics, introduces a whole new dimension of emotional understanding, called Emotions Analytics. Led by a veteran management team of industry professionals, the company's goal is to leverage its unique abilities to impact a new multi-billion market of emotionally-enhanced applications installed in practically any voice enabled, voice activated, or voice controlled device. For more information visit

Download the app on the Apple app store for free HERE

from Developer
Your mood in 20 seconds. Just press a button and talk.

Intrigued by emotions?
Curious to understand how you and your colleagues feel as you speak, right now?

Moodies is providing the answer - all with a press of a button.

Based on 18 year of research into the science of emotions, Moodies analyses and presents the current emotional state of speakers in real time, as they speak. Based on Beyond Verbal’s award winning Emotions Analytics cloud-based engine, Moodies listens to vocal intonations to understand our emotions as we speak – because it's not what we say, but HOW we say it.

At the press of a button, Moodies requires just 15 seconds of speech to provide a deep, highly granular mood analysis which includes:
-Our Primary Mood: The speaker's most expressed current emotional state
-Our Secondary Mood: The speaker’s less expressed mood.
-Overall mood group categorizations.

Key Moody features include:
- Quick Analysis: Single automatic analysis by tapping the LISTEN button
- Continuous Analysis: Multiple and continuous analysis by pressing and holding (or pressing and locking) the LISTEN button.
- Analysis Library: Vault of emotion analyses complete with edit, tag and management features of analysis files.
- Replay of previously recorded analyses.

- Sharing of analyses by email, Facebook and Twitter.

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