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Sabtu, 28 September 2013

BlackBerry, Doomed or Reincarnate?

I have a big interest about how BlackBerry will in the future, not because I have it shares, No I don't have any, but for the ability that I never found in any platforms such as handling .eml attachment (in BlackBerry Hub),  best virtual keyboard, or smart switching for the internet connection. Yes, I never found the same ability in others. As a pure BlackBerry user, I feel that it will be difficult for me or any hardcore BlackBerry users to switch to other platforms, though, in fact, I do use Android (on my Nexus 4 and Samsung Galaxy Tab 10.1) daily right now. But, if BlackBerry comes to its end, soon or later, I will choose another platform as my primary smartphone (IOS, Android, or Windows Mobile).

So, after couple months I didn't write a single post,  I think it is the right time for me to start it again, especially when the news of the BlackBerry's death is crossing through the internet. Well, as all we know that Fairfax already submit their bid to buyout BlackBerry for about USD 9/shares. But what the news spread all over the internet is BlackBerry is already sold or even some haters said, BlackBerry is already dead. Yes, to lost 1 Billion Dollars will make BlackBerry sinking fast. Yes, they will cut their 40% workers to reach break even point (let's say it supposed to be like that). But do these things will make BlackBerry comes to live again? I don't think so.

As what I read from one of CrackBerry posting and the source from one of The Globe and Mail article, I think I get a clearer point of view why "shit" happened to BlackBerry.

First, BlackBerry has split into 2 opposite idea, even when Heinz took the CEO chair. In my opinion, these 2 idea is not only opposite but contradictive to each other (you need to read those 2 articles that I've point out before read this article). Can it combine into one or a single great idea? I don't know, but let's say "maybe yes, but possibly no".

Second, BlackBerry needs teams that can work together, a tradition that all for one and one for all, see consumers as partners, someone to hold, not as a market target, someone who buy our product and hold for one or two years. And after that, we sold another product to them.

Third, never ever judge what your consumers need from your point of view only. Try to blend with them, get yourself to be the consumer, and find out the best solution between consumers needs and company objective. If there is no way out for the win win solution, let your consumer desires win first. Then after your consumer satisfy enough (where 60-75% of your consumers don't have any big complain for the product or services), you can encourage them to follow the company objective but still keep listen to your consumer's needs.

BlackBerry 10 is good O.S for sustaining BlackBerry's life actually. But lack of great apps makes this O.S soon or later be abandoned by its consumers. BlackBerry Hub is good, but needs many improvements to become easier to use. BlackBerry also needs to lower their handset price from the beginning. Yes, this will make the profit margin ticker than expected, but written off handset in the warehouse is more awful than any others. BlackBerry also needs to see where and when they can get traction when they release the product. The C Level needs to prioritize the launching in the region or country where BlackBerry market is still big and grows. Never ever compete the product with favorable one. Better for BlackBerry to fight in middle to low end of smartphone market.

But once again, BlackBerry 10 needs support from many big developers who has killer apps (give them incentives, best offer that they cannot refuse). Last words, if Fairfax finally buys BlackBerry, I suggest them to overcome the internal tradition. BBM cross platforms shall be launched ASAP with full features (enabled to do voice and video chat over mobile network, and ofcourse BBM Channel). Yes, it will be halted Blackberry handsets sales, but this will make great revenue for BlackBerry if they can monetize it. There are so many ways to monetize BBM, not only by selling space for marketing campaign, but by selling gimmics such as stickers, games, multimedia (songs and movies), money transfers, etc (they need to figure it out ASAP). Lower the price of their handset (they shall do this immediately), continue to develop BlackBerry 10 by enriching it using TAT (why BlackBerry bought TAT if they never use it to enriching BlackBerry 10), and try to figure out what others products that BlackBerry 10 can fit (example Multi purpose portable Head Unit for Cars, or interactive screen for our kitchen).

So BlackBerry, I hope you can pass this big storm and stand still for the future. Otherwise, I will lose the tools I'd love forever. Don't die, will you!!

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