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Selasa, 04 Desember 2012

Anonymous Reveals The 24 hr Violence Cycle in Syria

Part of the Syrian government email dump that was published by contained daily reports from the Syrian government to its embassy at the U.N. on terrorist attacks occurring on its soil. These "terrorists" were, of course, Syrian rebels looking to overthrow Assad. While the country has been in a state of civil war for many months, it's eye-opening to see the level of violence when it's broken down by dozens of specific instances on a daily basis as it is done in these reports. There are literally dozens of them in the email dump. I arranged for the translation of two documents to share via this blog.

CHART: Attacks and Security Breaches by Armed Terrorist Groups on 11/5/2012 to 8 o’clock to 11/6/2012

 Martyrs:  Civilians- 0.  Military: 20

Wounded: Civilians- 1. Military 157

Kidnapped: Civilians- 0. Military 4

Militants: Under arrest- 0. Dead 4

Cases of shootings by militants: Civilians: 4. Military 44

Response by Military to shootings: 35

IED: Exploded- 6. Dismantled – 1. Exploded during Manufacturing- 0

Robberies: Public- 1. Private-1. Weapon theft- 3

Insurgent Infiltration Attempts- Lebanon- 1. Turkey- 0. Iraq- 1. Jordan- 0.

Cutting off/ burning of routes: Civilian – 1. Military- 1.

Physical damage: Public- 6. Private – 7

Violations committed by “armed terrorist groups” from 8 o’clock 11/5/2012 to 8 o’clock to 11/6/2012

#1. Place: Lebanese Border. Time: 10:30pm. Attempt to infiltrate from the Lebanese border to enter Syrian territory. Shots fired at Syrian Border Guards in the Talkalakh area.

# 2. Place: Iraqi Border. Time: 11:00pm. Shots fired inside Iraqi territory at Syrian Border guards. Attempted infiltration into Syrian territory Hassan station in Deir al-Zour.

# 3. Place: Damascus and surrounding areas. Time: 8:30pm. IED exploded in the Sahel region- According to a supervisor of the order keeping officers two members were wounded.

# 4. Place: Damascus and surrounding areas. Time: 11:00am. An assistant was kidnapped in Harasata area and his weapons were stolen.

# 5. Place: Damascus and surrounding areas. Time: 11:15 am. A thermal Rocket was launched at a health vehicle belonging to the order keeping forces in Doma, wounding one member.

# 6. Place: Damascus and surrounding areas. Time: 6:00am. Shots fired at order keeping forces in Zamalaka, killing one member and wounding 3 others.

# 7. Place: Damascus and surrounding areas. Time: 6:30am. Shots fired at order keeping forces in Wadi al-Qarn, killing two members and wounding 14 others.

# 8. Place: Damascus and surrounding areas. Time: 7:30am. Shots fired at order keeping forces in Harmala- wounding two members.

# 9. Place: Daraa and surrounding areas. Time: 9:00pm. Armed ambush of a car killing members of the order keeping forces in Noa, resulting in the deaths of two members and the robbery of their weapons.

# 10. Place: Daraa and surrounding areas. Time: 11:00 pm.  Shots were fired civilians in Cannula.

# 11. Place: Daraa and surrounding areas. Time: 11:00 am. A road was cut off near Sheikh Meskeen, leading to the investigation of cars for military members.

# 12. Place Daraa and surrounding areas. Time: 3:00pm. A Mazda car was stolen from the electric company during a repair mission in Sheikh Messkeen.

# 13.  Place: Daraa and surrounding areas. Time: 2:00pm. Shots fired at an UN vehicle located in Noa, resulting in damage to the car.

# 14. Place: Daraa and surrounding areas. Time: 3:30pm. Shots fired at order keeping forces in Noa, wounding two members.

# 15. Place: Daraa and surrounding areas. Time: 4:00pm. Shots fired at order keeping forces in a displaced persons camp in Daraa, killing one member and a policeman, injuring 18 members.

# 16. Place: Quneitra. Time: 12:00pm. Shots fired at order keeping forces in Beer Al-Ajam accompanied by the explosion of an IED, injuring 9 members, 3 were officers.

# 17. Place: Quneitra. Time: 1:30pm. Shots fired at order keeping forces in Khan Arriba, wounding an officer.

# 18. Place: Homs and surrounding areas. Time: 9:30pm. Explosion of an IED on the public road of Homs- at the junction- injuring two members.

#19. Place: Homs and surrounding areas. Time: 6:00am. Shots fired at order keeping forces in Sultania, killing 3 members.

# 20. Place: Homs and surrounding areas. Time: 12:00pm. Shots fired at order keeping forces in Homs, injuring one member.

# 21. Place: Homs and surrounding areas. Time 1:30pm. Armed ambush of a car killing order keeping members in Abel and injuring two officers.

#22. Place: Homs and surrounding areas. Time: 2:00pm. Shots fired at order keeping forces, injuring 3.

# 23. Place: Hama and surrounding areas. Time 9:00pm. A Hyundai car was stolen number /520866/ in Sooq Al-Gahnim.

# 24. Place: Hama and surrounding areas. Time 11:00am. Shots fired at order keeping forces in Sooq al Shajra, injuring one member.

#25. Place: Hama and surrounding areas. Time: 3:00pm. Shots fired at order keeping forces between Moorook and Kafir Zeta, injuring one member.

# 26. Place Hama and surrounding areas. Time: 5:00 pm. Shots fired at citizens in the village of Zhoria, injuring one member.

# 27. Place: Aleppo and surrounding areas. Time: 5:00am. Shots fired at security forces in several areas, killing 2 assistants, a policeman, a soldier, an order-keeping member, and wounding 64 members 7 of them were officers.

# 28. Place: Aleppo and surrounding areas. Time: 9:30am. Shots fired at General Mohammad Ako during his return from his house on the public road of Aleppo. Resulting in his martyrdom.

# 29.  Place: Aleppo and surrounding areas. Time 12:00pm. Mortars fired in several neighborhoods in Aleppo with limited damage to the area.

# 30. Place: Idlib and surrounding areas. Time: 8:00pm. Shots fired at order keeping forces in Wadi al-Deif, injuring 6 members.

# 31. Place: Idlib and surrounding areas. Time 6:30 am. Shots fired at order keeping forces in Gissr al-Sogoor, injuring one member.

# 32. Place: Idlib and surrounding areas. Time: 8:00am. An IED was planted in Bilal Mosque in Jericho.

# 33. Place: Idlib and surrounding areas. Time: 8:30am. A suicide terrorist attacker blew himself up in a car bomb with an estimated weight of explosives at 500 kilograms, close to a military checkpoint located near the Center of Agricultural Development. This resulted in the death of two members and wounded 11 others including two officers. It also destroyed 3 cars and 6 armored vehicles.

# 34. Place: Idlib and surrounding areas. Time: 9:00am. Shots fired at order keeping members in Jericho, killing Colonel Ahmed Kamal Mustafa and injuring two members.

# 35. Place Idlib and surrounding areas. Time: 11:30am. IED explosion during a vehicle patrol by order keeping forces on Idlib Road- Mosstoma, wounding an officer and a Brigadier General.

# 36. Place Idlib and surrounding areas. Time: 1:00pm. Shots fired at order keeping forces on Idlib Road-Mosstoma, injuring 4 members.

# 37. Place: Idlib and surrounding areas. Time: 2:30om. Shots fired at order keeping forces in Mara Al-Naman- Wadi al-Deif, killing the Captain Ahmed Mahmoud al-Waray and injuring 5 members.

# 38. Place: Idlib and surrounding areas. Time: 3:15pm. Shots fired at order keeping forces in Jina al-Qoora, wounding two including one Brigadier General and destroying an armored car.

CHART: Attacks and Security Breaches by Armed Terrorist Groups on 11/4/2012 to 8 o’clock to 11/5/2012

Martyrs:  Civilians- 2.  Military: 31

Wounded: Civilians- 2. Military 81

Kidnapped: Civilians- 7. Military 5

Militants: Under arrest- 0. Dead 4

Cases of shootings by militants: Civilians: 3. Military 40

Response by Military to shootings: 32

IED: Exploded- 2. Dismantled – 0. Exploded during Manufacturing- 0

Robberies: Public- 3. Private-4. Weapon theft- 6

Insurgent Infiltration Attempts- Lebanon- 0. Turkey- 0. Iraq- 1. Jordan- 0.

Cutting off/ burning of routes: Civilian – 1. Military- 0.

Physical damage: Public- 4. Private - 2

Violations committed by “armed terrorist groups” from 8 o’clock 11/4/2012 to 8 o’clock to 11/5/2012

# 1. Place: The Lebanese Border. Time: 1:00 am Description: Shots fired from within Lebanese territory at Syrian Border Guards in Al Qusayr.

# 2. Place: The Lebanese Border. Time: 6:00 pm Description: Shots fired from within Lebanese territory at Syrian Border Guards.

# 3. Place: Iraqi Border. Time: 7:30 pm. Description : Attempt to sneak from Iraqi territory to Syrian territory and shots fired on Syrian Border Guards from the area of Zaraya.

# 4. Place: Damascus and surrounding areas. Time: 8:10 pm. Description: Shots fired at Syrian order keeping forces in Harasta and Kantara resulting in martyrdom of six guards.

# 5. Place: Damascus and surrounding areas. Time: 8:10 pm Description: Explosion of an IED in front of a police station following shots fired at order keeping forces, damaging the building.

# 6. Place: Damascus and surrounding areas. Time: 6:00 am. Description: Shots fired at order keeping forces in Zmalaka resulting in the martyrdom of three soldiers.

# 7. Place: Damascus and surrounding areas. Time: 7:20 am. Shots fired at order keeping forces in Arabeen, wounding two.

# 8. Place: Damascus and surrounding areas. Time: 8:00 am. Description: Shots fired at a vehicle carrying order-keeping forces in Alibaug, wounding two.

# 9. Place: Damascus and surrounding areas. Time: 9:00 am. Description: Shots fired at order keeping forces in Madaya resulting in the martyrdom of Raed Abdel Rahman Salama.

# 10. Place: Damascus and surrounding areas. Time: 10:00 am. Description: Shots fired at order keeping forces in Biblia, martyring one and wounding another.

# 11. Place: Damascus and surrounding areas. Time: 4:30 pm. Description: Shots and mortars fired at the order keeping forces’ barracks in Harasat, destroying the building and burning the furniture.

# 12. Place: Damascus and surrounding areas. Time: 9:00 pm. Shots fired at order keeping forces in Harasta-Kantara, wounding four.

# 13. Place: Damascus and surrounding areas. Time: 11:30 am. Shots fired at order keeping forces in Haraan, injuring one.

# 14. Place: Daraa and surrounding areas. Time: 8:00 pm. A citizen was killed in Jassim.

# 15. Place: Daraa and surrounding areas. Time: 9:00 pm. A citizen was kidnapped in Darra.

# 16. Place: Daraa and surrounding areas. Time: 12:00 pm. Shots fired at order keeping forces in Sheikh Misken, wounding one.

# 17. Place: Daraa and surrounding areas. Time 1:30 pm. Shots fired at order keeping forces at a camp for displaced people, killing 2 police officers and two order keeping members as well as wounding 5 others including an officer.

# 18. Place: Daraa and surrounding areas. Time 2:30 pm.  A citizen was robbed of 30,000 Lera.

# 19. Place: Quneitra. Time: 5:00 am. Shots fired at order keeping forces in the village of Beer Ajam, resulting in the deaths of 4 assistants and injuring 14 others.

# 20. Place: Homs and surrounding areas. Time: 8:00 pm. Shots fired at order keeping forces in Bab Hood, injuring two members.

# 21. Place: Homs and surrounding areas. Time: 9:30 pm. Shots fired at order keeping forces at the junction of two villages, resulting in the death of Officer Ahmad Ismaial Dayoob and the policeman Mohammad Yusef and the policeman Hussein Ganam.

# 22. Place: Homs and surrounding areas. Time: 4:00am. Shots fired at order keeping forces in Alqaseer, wounding one member.

# 23. Place: Homs and surrounding areas. Time 3:00 pm. Mortar fire on houses in the village Son Al-Aswad, wounding two civilians

# 24. Place: Homs and surrounding areas. Time 4:00 pm. Thermal rocket fired at order keeping forces in Sooq al-Gahnim, wounding one member.

# 25. Place: Hama and surrounding areas. Time: 9:20 am. A government car was stolen model number /63314/ belonging to the Chairman of the Board of Hama in west Al-Mashtal.

# 26. Place: Hama and surrounding areas. Time: 12:00 pm. A citizen was kidnapped, Hyyan Gahnim in Arbaeen, in the city of Hama.

# 27. Place: Hama and surrounding areas. Time: 12:15 pm. A Hyundai car was stolen number /74275/ in the neighborhood Sooq Al-Shjra  and shots were fired at its driver, the citizen Abd Al-Aziz Al-Saman.

# 28. Place: Hama and surrounding areas. Time: 12:40 pm. A Kia car was stolen number /624931/ in Arbaeen in the city of Hama.

# 29.  Place: Hama and surrounding areas. Time: 1:15 pm. An IED exploded during order keeping members’ patrol of the public street - Mahrada in Hama. This resulted in the wounding of one officer and damage to the area.

# 30. Place: Hama and surrounding areas. Time: 3:00 pm. The citizens, Ibrahim al-Rahama, Mohamad Al-Jasam, Jamaa al-Mahmoud,  Mohammad Al-Hassan, Basam Bedoya, were kidnapped and shots were fired killing the civilian Ibrahim Al-Rahmoon.

# 31. Place: Hama and surrounding areas. Time: 7:00 pm. The citizen Mustafa Whabe stole a motorcycle and fired shots in Soran- wounding one civilian.

# 32. Place: Aleppo and surrounding areas. Time: 9:00pm. Shots were fired at order keeping members in Haritan, killing the officer Hasam Yusef and Mojnd Husein Ali Khlil and wounding three members.
# 33. Place: Aleppo and surrounding areas. Time: 5:00am. Shots fired on order keeping forces in various areas resulting in the deaths of several officers and policemen and wounding 22 members.

# 34. Place: Aleppo and surrounding areas. Time: 4:00am. Three members of the order keeping forces were kidnapped and a car was stolen in the region of Safera.

# 35. Place: Aleppo and surrounding areas. Time 6:00am. Several mortars were fired towards residences in various areas of Aleppo, resulting in limited damage to the area.

# 36. Place: Idlib and surrounding areas. Time: 8:30pm. Shots fired at order keeping forces in Maarrat al-Nu’man, killing an officer and wounding 12 members.

#37. Place Idlib and surrounding areas. Time 6:00 am. Shots fired at order keeping forces in Jericho – Mahampel- wounding 4 members.

# 38. Place: Idlib and surrounding areas. Time: 11:00 am. The Colonel, Mustafa Abd Al-Rzaq was kidnapped.

# 39. Place: Idib and surrounding areas. Time: 11:00 am. Armed attacked using several types of weapons at Taftanaz airport, wounding one officer.

# 40. Place: Deir Ezzor. Time: 6:00am. Shots fired at order keeping forces in Meadeen, resulting in the death of one officer.

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